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「 The WAY BACK to YARASQUIN」  ダラスキンぞの道 

​Director : Sarah Garber 2013幎䜜品 35分


















This is a film about the captivating story of Mayra Orellana-Powell, whose vision and determination has made her an incredible leader in her rural mountain village of Honduras and dedicated advocate for their future, a future deeply rooted in coffee.


Growing up in the village of Santa Elena, Mayra experienced coffee as a way of life, underlying and represented in community, relationships and gratitude. These cornerstones of life and coffee never left her as she went on to pursue an education and life in the US, and most recently, to start a coffee business, Catracha Coffee Company. 


The film follows Mayra's journey to starting a small coffee business and her journey back home with several coffee professionals in pursuit of great coffee, the truly great coffee that is calling attention to Honduras, an emerging coffee leader. And ultimately, this story is about the human, relational side of coffee as Mayra connects her two homes across cultures through the bridge of coffee, family, and relationships. Because, coffee is about people. 

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